Five On Friday

It's time for another edition of Five on Friday and I do hope you'll join along!

Remember, all you have to do is post about five things on your mind, add our logo (found at the bottom of this post), and join the party using the linky tools below. Easy, and a great way to find new blogs and be found. :)

A great update on Char's vision! You may remember that she had strabismus surgery (to fix crossed eyes) back in April, then a month later at the follow-up they advised us to go BACK to patching for a month -- for residual crossing. YUP, after we'd already paid a boatload for her eye surgery. To be fair, we were also told that 20% of the surgeries needed a repeat. I should be typing it as $urgerie$ because wowwwwwza. And with both Ian and me being self-employed, we don't have employer coverage to help with the insurance costs. So we are big-time hoping that one surgery will correct it. Plus, we obviously don't want her to need surgery again!

Anyway, after this past month of repeat patching (one hour a day, alternating eyes this time) we were just told Monday that we can give the patches a rest! We will have another follow-up in a month, but for now Char can enjoy her summer splashing around and playing outside without me chasing her around holding an eye patch.

Baby Lochlan is one month old today! I can't believe how quickly this time has flown! He's so cute, so snuggly, so wonderful. He's still sleeping a lot, but you better believe his eyes PING wide open right around 10pm at night. Haha. Luckily he's precious.

I've been LOVING these Luxe High-Neck Tanks for postpartum wear (shown above)! I own FOUR colors. They conceal the belly I've still got so well, are machine washable, and are just that super stretchy cozy cotton fabric. They are still available on the website and some colors/patterns are even on sale. I'm in the XS and it is still very long and plenty swingy in the midsection. 

product photo product photo

Camille is a kid who loves a plan, but with a newborn and a 2yo who's still not walking independently, it has honestly been really difficult to get the crew out of the house for anything more than necessary doc appointments. At least, during the workweek when Ian's not here to provide a second set of hands. I still want Camille to have really fun summer activities, though, which has just taken a little more planning. She's still in that awesome stage where I can say things like "TUESDAY IS ... SOCCER DAY!" and pump her up about getting to put on "soccer kid clothes" and kick the soccer ball around the backyard. 

Having some sort of themed activity each day has really given her something to look forward to!

I loved seeing everyone's posts about the Frosé you've been making! You can see my post with the recipe HERE. I also had a lot of people message me with fun little tweaks they made -- making it non-alcoholic for expectant mamas, or one gal who made the simple syrup using blackberries instead! Yum! I think Ian and I might have to whip up a batch this evening. Yes, he's a manly man who loves Frosé!

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I love Celeste Barber so much and will just leave this right here. Just know that if you're ever looking at someone like she's the mom on the left, she's most likely feeling like the mom on the right. I know I am! :) 


That's it for today! Hope you have a lovely weekend -- thanks for linking up with us below!


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